Upcoming PTSA Events

last updated 3/16/25

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Green Team and Ridwell Plastic Film Drive

3/20/2025 11:15 am


The Peter Kirk Green Team, in partnership with Ridwell, is hosting a Plastic Film Drive.


Students are invited to bring clean, dry plastic film to drop off in the donation bins. Examples of the thin, flexible plastic that can be brought in include grocery bags, ziploc bags, shipping envelopes, bubble wrap, air pillows, bread bags, produce bags and cereal bags.


If you can stretch it or easily poke your thumb through it AND it is clean and dry, send it in for the drive!


Thank you, PTSA, for sponsoring Green Team!


Plastic film will be collected Monday, March 17 through April 30.

2025-2026 PTSA Board Election Results

3/20/2025 10:22 am


We are pleased to announce and congratulate the newly elected 2025-26 executive committee:

  • President: KK DeVuyst

  • Executive Vice President: Kaity Mason

  • Vice President of Events: Danielle Zimmerman

  • Vice President of Enrichment: Sunny Im

  • Vice President of FACE: Mckenzie Vander Hoek & Krystal Grinde 

  • Secretary: Colleen McCloskey 

  • Treasurer (Banking): Amy Walter

  • Treasurer (Reporting): OPEN

Please join us in congratulating our new board and wishing them all the best in the next school year! We appreciate their volunteer efforts and contributions that directly impact our students, school, teachers and community.


Interested in joining the PKE PTSA Board? The 2025-26 Executive Committee will be appointing next year's Board of Directors. 

  • Director of Communications

  • Director of Technology

  • Director of Fundraising

  • Director of Membership

  • Director of Art

  • Director of STEM

  • Director of Volunteering

  • Director of Advocacy

If you are interested in any of the appointed positions or have someone you would like to nominate, please reach out to our executive board at: executives@peterkirkptsa.org 


3/21/2025 10:26 am


Spring is around the corner! Get ready and gear up to join your fellow Peter Kirk families at a Mariners game this year! Mariners tickets are already in hot demand, so get your tickets early to secure your spot! Because this event has had such a great turnout with over 100 tickets sold last year, we have secured two game options to attend! Come to one or two! Both games will be sitting on the main lower level with a great view of the action, near 1st base-Mariners dugout side


We have a reserved block of seats so everyone can cheer on our home team together!!

Purchase your tickets today as seats are limited.



GAME 1: Mariners vs. Miami Marlins

WHEN: Sunday, April 27th @ 1:10 pm

WHERE: T-Mobile Park

SEATS: 100 level!! Section 109, Rows 35-40



GAME 2: Mariners vs. Minnesota Twins

WHEN: Friday, May 30th @ 7:10 pm

WHERE: T-Mobile Park

SEATS: 100 level!!! Section 118, Rows 34-39




 Tickets for *Game 1* must be purchased by March 21st! (Tickets will be sent digitally the week prior to the game)


For any questions email: Events@Peterkirkptsa.org

WAPTA Award of Excellence

3/18/2025 8:06 pm


We’re excited to share that Peter Kirk PTSA has applied for the prestigious Platinum Award of Excellence this year! Historically, we have been honored to receive this award, which reflects our commitment to making a positive impact in our community. We look forward to finding out the results at the annual WSPTA Convention in May. 


The Local PTA and Council Award of Excellence Program recognizes the tremendous efforts of local PTAs and councils that make a significant difference. Completing these applications allows us to reflect on the hard work and achievements of our PTSA throughout the year, and it’s always rewarding to see what we can accomplish together. In addition to the Award of Excellence, we have also submitted applications for: 

  • 100% PTA Membership 
  • 100% Staff Membership 
  • Outstanding Communication Strategy
  • Outstanding Website 
  • Outstanding Newsletter
  • DIO (Diversity, Inclusion, and Outreach) Award of Excellence 
  • FACE (Family and Community Engagement) Award of Excellence 

Peter Kirk Student Advances to National PTA Art Contest

3/18/2025 8:04 pm

A huge congratulations to 2nd Grader, Lucy Henry, for winning 1st Place - Outstanding Interpretation in the State-level round of the PTA Reflections Art Contest. Her entry, a film production titled "My Snowman Kitten" has advanced to the National level of the competition! Click the play button to view her video. 

Way to go, S.N.A.C.K. Team!

3/18/2025 8:02 pm

Last week, over 100 Peter Kirk families and staff joined our sold-out multi-cultural culinary event, S.N.A.C.K. Together (Share Nibbles And Cultural Knowledge). Participants ate and drank their way through three continents as four Peter Kirk community members shared personal stories, traditions and fun facts about their cultural heritage. S.N.A.C.K. brought our community together to honor and celebrate our differences and reminded us that that food is a wonderful way to unite people from all around the world.

A big thank you to our 2025 SNACK cultural speakers — Preeti Laharwani (India), Mike Shepherd (Philadelphia), Sadie Quinsaat (Philippines), and Omeed Rameshni (Australia) — for sharing their cultural heritage with us! We are grateful to our amazing team of S.N.A.C.K. volunteers who packed, distributed, and delivered all 140 SNACK boxes. Finally, a special shoutout to the Peter Kirk Elementary Choir for their fantastic performance during the intermission — well done!


If you would like to submit S.N.A.C.K. event photos for the yearbook, please upload them HERE.

Student Support Scholarships Available

3/18/2025 7:59 pm

Spring is a busy season with exciting school and PTSA events like the School Play, Carnival, field trips, and yearbook distribution.

We want every Eagle to be able to enjoy these school-wide activities. The PTSA offers need-based student support scholarships to help cover costs, ensuring that no one misses out. Scholarships are available throughout the entire school year and the process is completely confidential.

For questions or to apply, please reach out to Kristen Bauer, our school counselor at kbauer@lwsd.org.

Join the STEM Committee

3/18/2025 7:57 pm

Are you passionate about STEM and inspiring young minds? The STEM Committee is gearing up for our annual hands-on STEM project this June, and we need your help!

We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to:
 Help select an exciting project for all grade levels
 Design and assemble the project kits

This is a fantastic opportunity to make a difference and bring STEM to life for our students!

Interested in joining? Email us at stem@peterkirkptsa.org to get involved!

The Yearbook Needs Your Photos!

1/7/2025 9:38 am

Do you have a phone full of pictures from Peter Kirk events? Submit them to the yearbook! Even a few pictures are a big help. Click on the links below to submit photos to our yearbook Dropbox. 


We need photos from: 

ChoirOrchestra, and Band Concerts.

Movie Night |  Book Fair | 5th Grade Then and Now


All other events: Please visit Peter Kirk PTSA - Yearbook site and click on the event link to upload.


Classroom Photos: Please submit to your classroom Band site or classroom connector.

Classroom Connectors are busy compiling and uploading photos for the yearbook! They'll be selecting 24-30 of the best shots from each class by March 10, so be sure to share your favorite pictures with them. 📸


If you have any questions, please email yearbook@peterkirkptsa.org. Thank you!

Submit a Joke

10/16/2024 9:29 am


Would your child like to submit a joke for a chance to be featured on the Yellow Banner? Simply scan the QR code on the banner as you pass by, or submit your joke HERE. We hope this activity brings laughter and sparks conversation between you and your child during your daily walk to and from school!

Peter Kirk Elementary


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Kirkland, WA 98033

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