The Peter Kirk PTSA strives to connect families and students and provide a range of enrichment for all to participate. Our community-building begins early on, before school even begins for our young ones. Here are some things you can do now to get ready for fall:
- Register your kindergartener with Lake Washington School District
- Sign up here to get on our mailing list for Peter Kirk kindergarten playdates and other pertinent information to prepare for school
- Make an account for our PTSA platform, Membership Toolkit
- Join us on Facebook - Like the “Peter Kirk Elementary School PTSA”
- Join the new private, grade-specific Facebook group called Peter Kirk Class of 2038
- The link to become a PTSA member for the 25-26 school year will be available in July
The Kindergarten playdates for 2025 will be on the following dates and times at the Peter Kirk Elementary Playground:
- May 25, 2-4pm
- June 22, 2-4pm
- July 13, 10am-12pm
- August 16, 10am-12pm
We are excited to welcome your family and incoming Eagle in the Fall. If you have any questions in the meantime (or anytime!), please