Corporate Matching


This is quite possibly one of the easiest ways to provide extra funds to our school's PTSA. Our programs rely on your donations as well as your corporate matching! Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Peter Kirk Elementary PTSA can be matched.


Your donations are 100% tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Peter Kirk PTSA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. The Peter Kirk PTSA 501(c)(3) tax ID is 91-1238434. 


Some employers also match volunteer hours, so if you've helped out in the classroom, on a field trip, or at a class party, please submit those hours as well and designate the Peter Kirk PTSA as your beneficiary! We appreciate the wonderful support from our Peter Kirk community! 


If you need a contact name and email, please put our Peter Kirk Elementary PTSA Contact: Director of Fundraising, Colleen McCloskey ( Use Peter Kirk Elementary address (1312 6th St, Kirkland, WA 98033) if an address is required.


Here are a few companies we know of with matching programs, but if your company is not listed and you know they have a matching program, please let us know! This list may have changed so be sure to check with your company.



  • Abbot
  • Atlassian
  • Blackbaud
  • BNBuilders
  • Boeing
  • Church of JC LDS
  • Costco
  • Electronic Arts
  • Ellipsis Academy
  • Expedia
  • Fidelity
  • Gates Foundation
  • GitHub
  • Google (matching and volunteer hours)
  • Home Depot
  • Intel
  • Medtronic
  • Merrill Lynch
  • Microsoft (matching and volunteer hours)
  • Salesforce API
  • SAP
  • Schwab Charitable
  • ServiceNow
  • Starbucks
  • Symetra
  • T-Mobile
  • UKOGF Foundation
  • US Bank
  • Wells Fargo 
We have listed a few of the local companies that provide the gift of corporate matching. If you don't find your company in the list above, please let us know at and we will add it to the list for the benefit of others.