2024-2025 STIPENDS, GRANTS and continuing education
Choose your preferred format:
- Fillable PDF: Download, complete online, print, and sign.
- Printable PDF: Download, print, fill out by hand, and sign.
Submission Options:
- Scan and email the signed form to SAGA@peterkirkptsa.org
- Turn in the signed form to the PTSA mailbox.
2024-2025 SAGA Application Package (PDF, fillable PDF) (includes Application & Statement of Commitment)
2024-25 SAGA End-of-Year Evaluation (PDF, fillable PDF)
2024-25 Continuing Education Application (PDF, fillable PDF)
2024-25 SAGA Books Application (PDF, fillable PDF)
Treasurer Request (TR) Forms
2024-2025 Treasurer Request Form
Exciting Announcement: NEW PTSA Grant funds books for your classroom!
The Peter Kirk Elementary PTSA is excited to announce a new program to enrich your classroom libraries: SAGA Books! We've allocated funds to purchase new books that will become a permanent part of YOUR classroom collection.
Here's how it works:
Here's how it works:
- SAGA Books Grant: Each educator can apply for up to $100 to be used for purchasing books, up to a cumulative $2,500 school limit.
- Simple Application: Just fill out a quick and easy application form with your book selections.
- PTSA Purchases: The PTSA will purchase the books and deliver them to your classroom for long-term check-out after the new books have been inventoried through the school library. Each book will have a label indicating it was purchased by the PTSA.
- Long-Term Classroom Checkout: Though these books will be property of Peter Kirk Elementary, they are considered long-term checkouts by your classroom, allowing you to integrate them into your curriculum and classroom library. Simply return them to the library when you depart the school.
- $2,500 School Limit: This fantastic opportunity is available until the $2,500 budget is reached on a first come, first serve basis, so submit your application soon!