Fund Our Eagles

This year's Fund Our Eagles Campaign provides funds for events and programs throughout the year that make Peter Kirk special. Our fundraising goal is $75,000: a one-time donation of $150 per student OR $300 per family. Below is a list of how our PTSA budget is allocated, from art supplies, scholarships and everything in between. 85% of our budget is used to support teachers and students in the classroom!

We have already raised 66% of our goal. Thank you for your support, go EAGLES!




2023-2024 Fundraising Progress


In addition, some employers also match volunteer hours, so if you've helped organize a PTSA event,  out in the classroom, on a field trip, or at a class party, please submit those hours as well and designate the Peter Kirk PTSA as your beneficiary! We appreciate the wonderful support from our Peter Kirk community! 

The Peter Kirk PTSA 501(c)(3) tax ID is 91-1238434. 


If you need a contact name and email, please put our PTSA President, Talor Boatsman (

Our Fundraising goal, including employer matching, is $100,000 for this school year. Please submit donations to your company for corporate matching. This is quite possibly one of the easiest ways to provide extra funds to our school's PTSA. Our programs rely on your donations as well as your corporate matching! Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Also check if volunteer hours are matched!









Upcoming PTSA Events

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