The Eagles are Soaring! It may feel like a distant memory, but we continue to reflect on Soar into Spring week and what a tremendous success it was. We are excited to report that the Eagles are Soaring!  


We soared past our $13,000 fundraising goal with $27,091.56 raised! Also, we exceeded our $8000 passive fundraising goal through Dance Party and Spirit Wear sales. Go, Peter Kirk Eagles! 


Because of you the PTSA is fully funded this year. THANK YOU! 


The Spring Fundraising Committee  

Colleen McCloskey, KK De Vuyst, Cilicia Reavey, Elysia Heller, and Winn Richardson 

Donate | Corporate Matching | Fred Meyers Community Rewards | email




Join the fun and support our students' experience at Peter Kirk by donating to the Soar into Spring - Fund our Eagles campaign TODAY!


Your contribution towards our $13,000 fundraising goal will play a vital role in enhancing PTSA spring programs including STEM, arts, classroom enrichment, community outreach, and events.


PTSA provides impactful programming because of your generous gifts. THANK YOU to those who donated to the Fund our Eagles fundraiser in the fall. 


Peter Kirk Eagles are ready to SOAR into Spring and we are asking for your help to launch them. DONATE NOW to help the PTSA provide full funding for the 2023-2024 school year. 


Connect to PTSA and sign-up on the website for the latest news and events! 


Let's show our Eagles how WE SOAR!



Spring Fundraising Committee - fundraising@peterkirkptsa.org

Colleen McCloskey, KK DeVuyst, Cilicia Reavey, Elysia Heller, and Winn Richardson


The classes currently in the lead are:
Pizza Party #1 & #2 : Highest SPRING Fundraising Participation - Higgins  & Michaud* 
Pizza Party #3: Highest YEAR TO DATE Fundraising Participation - Creek/Danielson
Help your class by donating now!
*Bar graphs as of 4/4 at 7:00 PM
 Participation Details:
  • In the event that the same lucky class wins both the SPRING and OVERALL fundraising participation, then the class in 2nd place for SPRING participation will win the 2nd pizza party.
  • Students can earn up to 2 points for OVERALL participation and 1 point for SPRING participation. Multiple donations made by the same family will not increase points. 
  • Families with 2+ kids will receive participation credit for all siblings with just one donation - no need to donate to each child's class.


Our Eagles are SOARING thanks to all of YOUR support. We set a goal in February to raise $10,000 through passive fundraisers like the Glow Dance and Spirit Wear sales, and $13,000 through the SOAR INTO SPRING fundraiser. We have reached both of our goals and now PTSA can deliver full programming for our students this Spring! 


For those who have not donated yet, additional fundraising participation will count towards the Classroom Pizza Parties competition through 7pm on Thursday, and those funds will help support PTSA programming.


THANK YOU for all of your tremendous attention and support. It's time to appreciate the fun activities we have planned for this week as a CELEBRATION of the amazing Peter Kirk Community!


April 5 is PK Spirit Day where we will be celebrating meeting our fundraising goal with a Schoolwide Popsicle Party and Pizza Parties for the two classes with the highest fundraising participation. 





Thank you to those who purchased Spirit Wear during our Flash Sale. 190 shirts were ordered and will be delivered to your child's classroom on April 1. 

Corporate Matching and volunteer hours

Submit donations to your company for corporate matching. This is an easy way to provide extra funds to our school's PTSA. Our programs rely on your donations as well as your corporate matching! Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. 
In addition, some employers match volunteer hours. If you've helped organize a PTSA event, or volunteered in any way, please submit volunteer hours to your organization and designate the Peter Kirk Elementary PTSA as your beneficiary! 


We appreciate the wonderful support from our Peter Kirk community! 


Peter Kirk Elementary PTSA Contact: Director of Fundraising, Colleen McCloskey (fundraising@peterkirkptsa.org).

Peter Kirk Elementary PTSA 501(c)(3) tax ID: 91-1238434