Upcoming PTSA Events

last updated 1/31/25

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Virtual Lost and Found

10/16/2024 9:27 am


The Peter Kirk Lost & Found is overflowing with unclaimed items. Please take a look through the Virtual Lost & Found. To claim a lost item, email valreinking@gmail.com with


a) the item,

b) your child's name, and 

c) your child's teacher.


Ms. Val will do her best to reunite your child with their possessions.


9/5/2024 3:46 pm

We would not be able to pull off any of our beloved events and programs without our volunteers!


Check out the Volunteer Interest Form to see how you can get involved and sign-up for what interests you!

All school volunteers must have LWSD-approved status. This includes chaperoning field trips, helping in the classroom and volunteering with PTSA events/programs. Applying is an easy process that can be done online in a few minutes. Get approved today!  

Peter Kirk Elementary


1312 6th St
Kirkland, WA 98033

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