Peter Kirk PTSA's 

Play Information Packet


Missoula Children's Theatre Overview  

This is Peter Kirk PTSA's ninth year hosting the Missoula Children's Theatre traveling directors. Two MCT directors will arrive on April 28th, ready to work with our kids for just one week. In that short time the cast and crew will rehearse and perform two shows for our Peter Kirk community. This is just one stop on Missoula’s yearlong tour. 


Show Synopsis  

The Missoula Children's Theatre is presenting The Snow Queen, an original adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s epic novel. Set in a “land of colored ice,” this classic tale will warm your heart in its illustrative retelling by a group of fun-loving, imaginative hobgoblins. As they depict the journey of a young girl and her quest to find her best friend, you may just find yourself believing in malevolent mirrors, yetis, talking reindeer, and snow chickens! Blizzards can come at any moment, so strap on some snowshoes and get ready to discover what it takes to overcome chilling obstacles, keep resilience alive, and melt down the Snow Queen’s icy wall.  


Play Week  

April 28thto May 3rd- This entire show will be cast, rehearsed, and performed in the span of one week! Casting will take place on Monday, followed by rehearsals from Monday to Friday, with two performances scheduled for Saturday. It is a fun, crazy, busy, hilarious, exhausting time!  

Key Dates 

  • March 19 (Wed) Parent/Guardian Only Informational Meeting: 7p (ZOOM)   
  • March 24 (Mon) Registration Opens (through Membership Toolkit) Please Fill out Bio that will be included in the Program, Emergency Contact Info, Allergies and Photo Consent  
  • March 24 (Mon) Parent Volunteer Sign-up: MTK   
  • April 7 (Mon)- Tickets go on Sale through MTK 
  • April 11 (Fri) Registration Closes  
  • April 24 (Thurs)- Cast Call: 7pm ZOOM, parents and participants can join and ask any questions they may have.   
  • April 28 (Mon) – Casting: 3:20p-5:20p AND Rehearsal: 5:35p-7:35p    
  • April 29 (Tues) – Rehearsals: 3:20p-5:20p and 5:35p-7:35p    
  • April 30 (Wed) – Rehearsals: 1:50p-3:50p, 4:05p-6:05p    
  • May 1 (Thurs) – Rehearsals: 3:20p-5:20p and 5:35p-7:35p    
  • May 2 (Fri) – Dress Rehearsals: 3:20p-6:20p (ALL) and 6:35p-7:35p    
  • May 3 (Sat) – Costume: 1pm and performances: 2:00pm and 4:30pm (Peter Kirk Stage).   

On Monday April 28, following casting, the MCT Directors will provide a cast list outlining which rehearsals are required for your performer to attend based on their role. However, performers are expected to be available for every event. In the first few days of rehearsals please send your child with a paper bag with handles for their costume.  


PARTICIPATION: School Play Sign Up Process  

Registration will open beginning on Monday, March 24th at 7am through Membership Toolkit Sign Ups, Once the maximum number of students in each category has been reached, students may sign up to be waitlisted. In the event a registered student drops out prior to casting, the next person on the waitlist will be contacted. 


 **Registrations are not transferable to friends, siblings, etc.  


Students may also sign up for the Marketing Team. The team will promote ticket sales for the play through a variety of creative advertising. Additionally, on performance day, the team will help with admissions and guide attendees to the performance space. 




Maximum Participants 

1stand 2nd   


3rd, 4th and 5th 


5th(Assistant Directors)  


3rd, 4th and 5th(Marketing Team)  





Parent Agreement  

By registering a student, you are agreeing to the terms below. This program space is very limited. Registering a student who does not meet these requirements will take an opportunity away from another student who does.  


Students Must:  

  • Truly wantto participate in the play process.  
  • Can focus and follow directions during 2- or 4-hour long rehearsals.  
  • Have access to quick, portable meals and timely transportation to/from rehearsals and performance day.  
  • Be respectful to directors, fellow cast members, parent volunteers and the school building (ex: using polite language and picking up their garbage).  
  • Be able to attend everyrehearsal they are called for. Students will NOT be excused from casting, rehearsals or performances for other appointments or activities.  

Cast members who are not able to agree to these terms may be dismissed from the School Play by the Missoula Directors at any time during Play Week. Refunds will not be available in this situation.  


Casting: April 28th, 3:20pm (Peter Kirk)  

*Participants must be registered through Membership Toolkit Signups.  


No preparation for casting is necessary! This is a group event, and every registered student must participate for the full two hours for the MCT directors to cast each role. The casting and all rehearsals are closed to allow all students a more comfortable experience. Some cast members will be asked to stay for the first rehearsal immediately following casting.  


Please keep in mind that your student may need encouragement if they did not get a part they were hoping for. The MCT directors work to ensure each actor is placed in a role where they will be successful. It is our job to ensure the students understand there are no small parts.  



Rehearsals are two, 2-hour sessions each day with a 15-minute dinner/snack/transition break in the middle. Most cast members will not be required to attend every rehearsal. Their roles will determine their rehearsal schedule, which be announced after casting on April 28th 


On casting night, parents/caregivers should plan on meeting their student at PK right after casting is complete at 5:20. Your student may need to stay for rehearsals or may be done for the day depending on the role. 


Each day students should plan to bring their own dinner and/or heavy snacks for rehearsal breaks.  There will be a table set up outside of the cafeteria doors where you can bring dinner before the end of the first rehearsal. Please make sure it is there on time and has your student’s name on it. 


Signing out 

There are as many as seventy-four students participating in the play on any given day.  The play committee and parent volunteers work to ensure every child gets home safely. With so many kids it does take time. 


Parents, please plan to sign your student out when leaving the rehearsals. You can pick up your student at the cafeteria doors on the north side of the building.  Marketing students will be released at the front doors. 


If you have a 4th or 5th grader that can walk home without an adult signing them out, please let us know via email before April 28th. Keep in mind it will still be dark at the end of the second rehearsal.  

 If your child goes to aftercare when completing their casting /rehearsal, please let us know via email before April 28th. 


Assistant directors  

Assistant Directors help teach and direct the show early in the week and then take on technical responsibilities at performance time. They provide important logistical help and creative ideas. Assistant Directors must also take part in the casting session and be available for every rehearsal and performance.  


 Marketing Team  

The goal of the marketing team is to get other students excited about attending the play. They will meet on Monday, April 28th and Tuesday, April 29th from 3:20-5:20. With assistance from the play committee marketing chair, students can write, direct and/or act in a commercial to be performed during school lunchtimes along with crafting other digital and physical advertising promotions. They should come ready with ideas!  


Participation fee and other costs  

The fee for the play is $75 for Performers and Assistant Directors and $25 for the Marketing Team. If this fee creates a hardship, scholarships are available from the PTSA through the website.  

In addition to the participation fee, the following are optional costs associated with the production:  

  • Performance Tickets (purchased through the PTSA store in the weeks prior to the performances or at the door)  
  • Professional Video (purchase through our vendor during Play Week)  
  • T-shirts (purchase through MCT directors during Play Week)  


Chaperones are needed for each rehearsal and performance. Duties include checking students in, helping with dinner, signing students out, stage breakdown, assisting on the day of play. Since rehearsals are closed, volunteering ensures you get to see a glimpse of how a full play is pulled together in less than a week! By registering your child for the play, each family is committing to fulfilling at least one volunteer slot. All volunteers must be approved by the district.  



During Play Week, parents will receive important communication from the Committee Chairs via email so make sure to check your email regularly.