Jan Harp Domene Award

We are proud to share that Peter Kirk PTSA has won the 2023 National PTA Jan Harp Domene Diversity and Inclusion Award.This prestigious award honors PTAs for outstanding efforts in representing the perspectives and needs of all communities, as well as endeavors to end discriminatory practices.


We also won the 2023 WAPTSA PTAs Taking Significant Action (Gold Standard) Award. This state-level award recognizes S.N.A.C.K. Together as an event that shows significant originality, involvement, potential usefulness and results. Programs identified by this award are things that other PTAs and councils may want to replicate.


Let's S.N.A.C.K. Together! 

This is an interactive, family-friendly, multi-cultural event that will tantalize your taste buds and celebrate the diversity of our community through FOOD!


Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025

Time: 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Cost: $20



S.N.A.C.K. Together (Share Nibbles And Cultural Knowledge) is a Peter Kirk PTSA event that will bring our school together to celebrate the cultural diversity of our community through the sharing of snacks from different cultures around the world.


During this virtual Zoom event, we will sample snacks and drinks from different regions of the world. Each tasting will be led by a cultural speaker (a Peter Kirk community member!) who will introduce the snack, talk a little bit about their culture and share personal experiences and memories of their culture with stories and photos. This year's event  will feature speakers from the cultural regions of Australia, United States of America (Philadelphia), Philippines and India.



Previously featured cultural regions have included Japan (Osaka), India (Jaipur), Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Israel (Haifa), Russia (Yevpatoria), Iran (Tehran), Brazil (Belem Do Para), Thailand, Colombia, China, Korea, Scotland, Philippines, Turkey (Izmir), Canada, United States of America (Central Appalachia), Canada (Ottawa), Korea (Suwon), Scotland and Philippines (Cebu).


How to participate

Purchase an event ticket and join us for the event on March 13, 2025. Your ticket includes a box of curated international snacks and drinks (enough for a family of 4) and access to the venue. You can pick up your SNACK Box after school, prior to the event. Most importantly, do not eat the snacks until the event date! We will be doing that together! 




I am having trouble checking out. HELP!

Don't worry! You're not alone! The most common fix to select "quantity" during check out. (see pictures) If this does not work, try switching browsers or email us at snack@peterkirkptsa.org.


How many snacks will be included?

8-10 snacks/drinks from different cultural regions of the world will be included in the snack box.

Can my kids participate?

YES! YES! YES! We encourage all members of your family to participate and engage in this event! Invite your teachers, your classmates, your grandparents!

I have food allergy/intolerance concerns. Will the snacks be allergen-friendly?

We understand everyone has unique health concerns and will be making a best effort to translate all ingredients listed in each snack as well as highlighting snacks that may contain one of the 9 major food allergens (milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame and soy). However, by participating in this event and consuming the snacks you are accepting all responsibility in the event of an adverse reaction.

What does S.N.A.C.K stand for?

S.N.A.C.K. is an acronym for Share Nibbles And Cultural Knowledge. 




If you have additional questions, please email snack@peterkirkptsa.org