2024-2025 Peter Kirk Yearbook
The PTSA's Yearbook Committee has been hard at work!
This will be a memory book made 100% in collaboration with our families. We are looking for photos, art, and wisdom from all Peter Kirk students. Be creative and help us build an endearing keepsake from this year!
Deadline to order: April 15
Reserve your copy of the 2024-2025 yearbook, a keepsake your student will cherish for years to come! This year's edition is extra special:
Packed with Memories: 100 pages of class pictures, fun events, and those unforgettable school moments.
Student-Inspired: Features student-created cover art, inside art, quotes, and more, all contributed by our talented 5th graders. See 5th grade contributions below.
Captures the School Year: Yearbooks arrive the last week of school, ready for reliving the fun and getting those autographs.
New this year: 5th Grade Then & Now Page showcasing Kindergarten and 5th grade photos.
Questions about ordering? Contact yearbook@peterkirkptsa.org. Scholarships are available – contact our counselor, Kristin Bauer, at kbauer@lwsd.org.
Upload submissions for any or all of the categories below to our dedicated Dropbox by March 5. Help us identify your student by naming your files to include your student's name and grade or event:
AbbyBarendt5.jpg or
Miller_FunRun.jpg or
4th_Grade_Field_Trip.jpg or
Submit classroom photos to your classroom connector or share on your classroom band site and post event photos at the following links:
Spring/Summer 2024 photos in the 2024-2025 yearbook
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2024-2025 Events
Will my submissions be published?
Our goal is to include everything that is submitted to us, but due to various considerations and publishing constraints, some submissions may not be printed.
Will there be individual school photos?
Yes! If your student missed picture day, you can still send us a headshot for the yearbook.
If I miss picture day in the fall, will I have a portrait included?
We make every attempt to get photos of students who missed Fall Portrait day. We use spring photos or other photos taken at school to ensure every student is represented. You can also submit a photo to yearbook@peterkirkptsa.org if you missed picture day.
Will every student be represented?
This book will be as full as our community creates it to be. We are hopeful that every family will be able to send us the photos to represent their students!
Can my photo contain other students or non-PK families?
All submission need to only represent Peter Kirk students with no additional family members or children outside of Peter Kirk. Parents submitting photos that include other Peter Kirk students should ensure all parents approve of the photo being printed. Submitting a photo to our dedicated Dropbox implies permission for publication.
I'm having trouble with Dropbox. What do I do?
Don't stress! Simply email us your questions or submissions at yearbook@peterkirkptsa.org
Is Dropbox secure or will everyone have access to my submissions?
Our Dropbox is secure and only the PTSA Yearbook Committee has access to your photos. We are very sensitive to the online security of our kids. The submission link is a request to upload photos, but does not give shared access to our account or folder. In fact, once a photo is uploaded, not even the original submitter will be able to view it.
Will photos from this spring be included in the yearbook?
Due to the deadline for when the yearbook has to be submitted, late Spring and early Summer events won't be included in this year's yearbook. We still collect those photos to include them in next year's yearbook. In fact we are still collecting photos from events that took place at the end of last year to be able to include them.